Animest.18 Join the Dance

Animest International Animation Film Festival is the only festival in Romania dedicated to animated films. It was founded in 2006, and gathers films from all over the world, in six competitive categories both for short and feature films. Animest is an Oscar-qualifying festival. The recipient of the Animest Trophy is eligible for consideration in the Animated Short Film category of the Academy Awards®.

The central theme of Animest.18 (2023) was  Dance. The whole festival edition had a strong emphasis on inclusion and togetherness, two core values that are organically linked to dance. Connecting the two art forms allowed us to include new and exciting forms of expression in our events and will also open the festival to new audiences.

concept sketches

Project: Poster for Animest.18 Festival
Role: Illustrator

AD and Design: Andra Mirea
Executive Director: Filip Mănișor
Festival Producer: Helga Fodorean
Photos: © Claudiu Popescu



